Glitches in webserver while accessing through Internet

Greeting fellow roboticist,
I am trying to enable remote access for XRP outside the home network (outside the WiFi range) via internet. I managed to do this using Ngrok and modifying the existing webserver code a bit to connect to a Wi-Fi instead of creating hotspot of itself.

Problem I faced:
The webserver UI is not stable, and joystick commands are not executed most of the time. However, if I do the same in the home network (where XRP is connected) it works fine, that too while using the same script as above.

Does anyone know what is causing the issue?
Is there any work around or have anyone did something similar. I have seen options like using MQTT or Data cake. If anyone has done anything like this, please let me know

Micro Python code used

from XRPLib.defaults import *
import network
import time
from machine import Timer

def connect_to_network(ssid, password):
    wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
    wlan.connect(ssid, password)
    start_time = time.time()
    while not wlan.isconnected():
        print("Connecting to network...")
        if time.time() > start_time + 10:  # 10 second timeout
            print("Failed to connect to network")
            return None
    print("Connected to network")
    print("Network config:", wlan.ifconfig())
    return wlan.ifconfig()[0]  # Return the IP address

class ASBWebServer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ip = None

#Connect to WiFi    
    def connect_to_network(self, ssid='Na********', password='***********'):
        self.ip = connect_to_network(ssid, password)
        if self.ip:
            print(f"Connected to network with IP: {self.ip}")
            print("Network connection failed")

# Instantiate the asbwebserver object
asbwebserver = ASBWebServer()

# Binding functions to the arrow buttons
webserver.registerForwardButton(lambda: drivetrain.set_effort(0.5, 0.5))
webserver.registerLeftButton(lambda: drivetrain.set_effort(-0.5, 0.5))
webserver.registerRightButton(lambda: drivetrain.set_effort(0.5, -0.5))
webserver.registerBackwardButton(lambda: drivetrain.set_effort(-0.5, -0.5))
webserver.registerStopButton(lambda: drivetrain.set_effort(0, 0))

# Binding functions to custom buttons
webserver.add_button("Close Server", lambda: webserver.stop_server())
webserver.add_button("Blink", lambda: board.led_blink(2))
webserver.add_button("LED Off", lambda: board.led_off())
webserver.add_button("Servo Up", lambda: servo_one.set_angle(90))
webserver.add_button("Servo Down", lambda: servo_one.set_angle(0))

def log_time_and_range():
    # This function is called every second to update the data on the webserver
    webserver.log_data("Time", time.time())
    webserver.log_data("Range", rangefinder.distance())
    webserver.log_data("Left Motor", left_motor.get_position())
    webserver.log_data("Right Motor", right_motor.get_position())
    webserver.log_data("Button State", board.is_button_pressed())

timer = Timer(-1)
timer.init(freq=4, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: log_time_and_range())

def connect_and_start_webserver():
    # Connect to the network and start the webserver in bridge mode
    if asbwebserver.ip:
        webserver.ip = asbwebserver.ip  # Ensure the IP is set in the webserver object
        print("Failed to start webserver due to network connection issues")


Ngrok Setup

Ngrok Configuration File:
Create an Ngrok configuration file, typically named ngrok.yml or ngrok-config.yml.
Place the file in a known directory, e.g., ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml.
Example ngrok.yml configuration file:

authtoken: your_auth_token_here
#  Pico W's IP address and the port of the webserver
    proto: http