I am following the guide Deploy Python program to roboRIO — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation to program XRP with Python and when I try to complete the Deploy Python program I get an error that the SSH connection cannot be established, it looks like the port is closed.
I have checked the firewall and everything is open.
Can anyone help me to Deploy Python program to XRP ?
Are you looking to just use Python on the XRP or are you looking to specifically use the FRC programming model with Python on the XRP? They are two different things and wanted to confirm which direction you are headed in first.
FWIW, I know that when we’re using Java or C++ with the XRPs, you don’t deploy the code to them; you instead select the option to “Simulate robot code”, since the code isn’t actually running on the XRP, but is instead executing on your computer, and communicates via network sockets with a custom shim running on the XRP to translate simulated motor control, sensor readings, etc., back and forth between the XRP and your computer.
I haven’t worked with Python for the XRP (yet), but I’m guessing that this is a similar issue.
That’s my code and I’d be happy to help anyone with the process. Is there a particular problem that you’re having or area where I could clarify things?
I love this community! Thanks, Fgrossman and ZeeQueue, for getting me help. And thanks, @lobrien , for your documentation provides a command line “robotpy … sim –xrp” which is the missing piece for me.
Also, now a newbie like me has better understanding of the first paragraph of your “Running XRP programs” documentation, and @stmayhem 's earlier answer in this thread. Indeed, XRP’s program needs no “deploy”; it just needs the “python robotpy sim --xrp”. That quirk feels not ideal, as I was originally expecting to use XRP to also get myself familiar with the RoboRIO deployment workflow. Now that seems impossible. But I guess I will live with that.