About the Programming tools category

Discuss programming tools (besides Blockly) such as Visual Studio Code, Thonny, Mu Editor, etc. for writing programs for the XRP robots.

I received the XRP unit that I ordered during the presentation at the 2023 World Championships, and have assembled it.

I’m interested in using this as a tool for teaching new programmers on my FRC team, but would like to do so using C++, Visual Studio Code, and the WPILib environment (as I’ve previously been doing with Romi hardware), as was discussed at Champs, and is discussed in the announcement on ChiefDelphi. However, I’ve yet to find any information on how the XRP can be used in this manner.

Is this a “coming soon” feature? If it’s supported now, where can I find the information?

I await with bated breath… :slight_smile:

We are a little light on documentation on that at the moment. But there is a link in the user guide
to the github with instructions on how to get going.

You will need to load a different firmware on to the XRP.
Things will change in the future as a release of WPILib comes out with support shortly.
Let us know how it goes.