MicroBlocks already supports the RPi Pico and it’s the only physical computing programming IDE that is LIVE (like Scratch and Snap*!*). Creating an XRP library for the MicroBlocks IDE would make it quite easy for learners to get started with the platform.
Thanks for pointing out MicroBlocks. We are developing a similar tool now called XRPCode that supports programming with blockly and Python programming. But MicroBlocks looks very interesting as well.
+1 on Microblocks. Supporting and developing that would be a good use of developer time IMHO.
Or if you wanted a Python & Blockly editor then developing https://edublocks.org/ might have been a good move.
MicroBlocks just dropping the link here
I just came across
Which seems
a) Quite mature with some nice features
b) Very similar to the blockly work you’re doing
c) Somewhat neglected, if not abandoned.
I wonder if there is code there that can be reused?
Thank you. We will have to take a look at this to see what is there.
Great. In this Beta version you get access to the code tab BIPES Project - Beta2
They also have wireless working Figure out and implement wireless code upload · Issue #55 · Open-STEM/XRP_MicroPython · GitHub
Some of the Bipes features are demo’d here Mobile robot programming with BIPES
So it looks like you include Micropython libraries like this MicroPyhon Libraries - BIPES v2.1 documentation
So it might be possible to just get https://github.com/Open-STEM/XRP_MicroPython/tree/main/XRPLib included here: Index of /beta2serial/ui/pylibs
+1 for MicroBlocks.
Peter: Thanks for joining the discussion and adding your endorsement for MicroBlocks on the XRP!