XRP Wifi network

I have two XRPs and up until yesterday when I turned them on they would create a wifi network that I could try to connect to. Starting today however neither of them when turned on does this anymore. I have tried multiple computers and recharged the batteries on the XRP and even used new non rechargeable batteries. Has anyone else seen this issue?

There are two versions of firmware we support on the XRP. One is Blockly / MicroPython. The other is firmware to work at WPILib. Do you know which firmware you have loaded on these XRPs?

Hi Frank, yes I have the firmware for the WPILib and I have been using it frequently. I am mystified.

Well, it works! I downloaded the firmware again and installed UF2 again. This time it all worked. Its odd because it was working before and then stopped. Will test again tomorrow to see if it is still working.