WIFI connection issues

One of my students was trying to setup an XRP.
He got to the WIFI setup step, but can’t connect his laptop’s wifi to the device. (using the password in the setup document) Has anyone seen something like this?

I have heard this a couple of times. I usually have them check to see if they can connect to the XRP with another device like a phone. If it connects then you know at least that everything is setup correctly. I would try reseting the XRP again and trying again with the laptop. @ZeeQueue do you have any other thoughts?

Hmm yeah if connecting from a different device doesn’t work, you can do a fresh install by first using the flash_nuke image (https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/microcontrollers/raspberry-pi-pico.html#resetting-flash-memory) to reset the flash memory, and then reinstalling the WPILib-XRP UF2 file.