WPILibJ and I2C

Has anyone been able to use the I2C port with the WPI firmware and Java programming?

I’ve been trying and digging around and not yet figured out how to get it to connect and communicate. I’m not 100% certain that Port.kOnboard gets me to the correct pins and it doesn’t seem there is any other way to set it up. Plus kOnBoard is known to cause a system lock up.

Any assistance would be great. Thank you in advance.

@ZeeQueue do you have any input on this? I wasn’t sure if that was setup as a general interface or not?

The I2C port on the XRP isn’t set up as a generally accessible port. It’s currently set up to communicate with the onboard IMU.

@toml21 Is there a specific sensor that you were looking to use with the XRP?

I am trying to connect a qwicc servo board from sparkfun to add some addition servos.

Sounds like it isn’t supported in the firmware. Is there any plan to add functionality for it in the future?

I don’t foresee adding in a generic “i2c over WiFi” functionality to the firmware (it’ll add significant complexity to the current protocol)

However if there are specific devices that are of interest to a sizable number of folks, we could look into potentially implementing a driver for these in the firmware and figuring out a way to allow users to configure/expose them to WPILib (as a PWM, Digital In/Out or AnalogIn channel)

Yea that is what I figured, because the software isn’t actually running on the board it is probably a little more involved. I will find another way.

Thank you for the info!