XRP and WPILib - Hello, and Getting Started

Hi all! I’m ZQ, one of the WPILib developers and primary developer of the XRP-WPILib firmware. With the release of WPILib 2024 Beta 1, we now have a self-contained setup that works with the XRP.

Here are some resources to get started with using WPILib and your XRP:

Documentation: Getting Started with XRP — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation
These are the “official” docs for the XRP and its use with WPILib. The rest of the docs site has huge amounts of useful information on how to use WPILib as a whole.

WPILib Installer: Releases · wpilibsuite/allwpilib · GitHub
You will want to grab 2024.1.1-beta-1 or higher

XRP Firmware: Releases · wpilibsuite/xrp-wpilib-firmware · GitHub
As of Oct 18, 2023, v0.5.1 is the latest version. There will be an updated version coming shortly with some additional bug fixes

For installing the firmware, there is a possibility that flash memory gets corrupted when switching between the regular XRP firmware and the WPILib compatible one. To fix this, download the flash_nuke.uf2 file from Raspberry Pi and install that on your XRP (follow instructions on the page). After this, install the WPILib compatible firmware.

If you find bugs, please file an issue here: Issues · wpilibsuite/xrp-wpilib-firmware · GitHub

Happy to answer any questions you might have about using the XRP with WPILib! Apologies in advance for any slow responses (my day job is fairly time consuming)!

Also huge shoutout to @SparkFro for all the assistance during the early stages of firmware development!


Thank you so much for all of the hard work! With the new release it ‘just works’! This is really going to be helpful for the members of our programming team to get up to speed and confident in what they need to successful. Thanks again!