Making sense of the documentation

Can you help me figure out how to navigate the documentation? I’ve found quite a bit but there is overlapping information and some seems more up to date than others.
Here are the links I’ve found:

The canvas class appears to be almost the same as the information at the introtoroboticsv2 link. Is it useful/necessary to enroll in the Canvas class?

The xrpusersguide pages has sections which overlap with the introtoroboticsv2 pages. Why?

My job as a mentor is to explain to the students where to find information, what to read, what to follow etc. At this point I’m confused so I’m not sure where they should start.


Good morning. It is a little confusing.

  1. The User Guide is intended to be “how to use the XRP” information. It also has the assembly instructions and user guide for the XRPCode IDE.
  2. The curriculum (either on readthedocs or canvas) is more lesson oriented with content and projects to help teachers create courses based on the robot. The canvas course is essentially the same as the readthedocs version of the curriculum but will be expanded to include more classroom information. We consider the readthedocs version to be the “ground truth” version of the curriculum, and it is ported to canvas as it is updated.
  3. The GitHub link is for the actual API and is intended as a reference to all the classes and functions that we provide as part of the XRP library.

Hope this helps clarify what’s there.

Brad Miller

Yes that helps.
So for now, especially since section 2.5 of the Canvas class describing how to write your first program needs to be re-written since it’s not applicable to the new dev environment, I’ll have students use the readthedocs link until you’ve updated the Canvas class.

Will you be notifying us of updates to the Canvas class?

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I ran into the same confusion - was about to post a similar question in the curriculum category, but then I ran across this topic.

I guess that I will continue with the one at instead of the Canvas course, at least for now.

Having some other confusion - for example, searching within for set_effort, but not getting any search hits, even though that is covered briefly in the API reference - and the introductory sample programs setting the effort level for the left and right motors at is not behaving quite as expected.