Looking for spare motors for the XRP

We’ve been looking for the BOM for the XRP, particularly the motors. The website we’ve found listed the “Hobby Motor with Encoder” - We found this one on the Sparkfun site. Is this the right motor?

Hi there!

Those blue motors are not the ones used on the XRP. They could be used if you really want, however the blue ones are weaker and slower, and the cable that comes with them isn’t directly compatible with the XRP control board.

We are planning to have the red XRP motors (and other components) available for purchase individually, but we first need to get through our remaining backorders (very soon!) and have stable inventory of full kits before we make individual components available. I unfortunately don’t have an ETA on when that’ll be.

Hope this helps!

Thank you that is really helpful. For now we’ve canabalized motors from a second XRP so we’re unblocked. But we’d love to restore that unit in the future. Well stay tuned. Thx

May I ask, is there any update on the official or compatible red XRP motors with encoder? I would like to add two more motors to our XRP robot. Thank you.

I believe these should become available for purchase in mid-December, keep an eye out!

Sorry this took a lot longer than expected, but spare parts are now available, plus a DIY kit! Introducing the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) DIY Kit - News - SparkFun Electronics

Link to motors: Hobby Motor with Encoder - Plastic Gear (Pair, Red) - ROB-24053 - SparkFun Electronics

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Thanks now that the season is over I’ve got time to pick this up again!