Kits (or controller boards) available without the printable parts?

I see that many of the parts are printable - great! But Digikey and Sparkfun seem to only be bundling components with the printable parts. Should we expect a second option or a BOM so we can piece things together ourselves?

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SparkFun will be listing parts that can be bought separately from the full kit. I’ll try to post more information here when the final selection is available. I would expect spare motors to take advantage of the two spare motor controllers and XRP boards, at least. In the mean time, check back on the product page to see what they have.

With that said, what parts would you like to see made available ala carte? Boards, motors, sensors, cables? Anything else? And, just curious, what do you envision building with the spare parts (just for feedback to the team)?

Brad Miller
XRP Development Team

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Hi Brad! I’m interested in purchasing all the unprintable parts and printing the rest myself. Seeing the chassis materialize is really powerful for some kids and being able to pick a color makes it personal, so I’m really excited that’s an option.

Re: Particular parts, the controller board seems most relevant if I could only pick one thing. I’ve got plenty of RP2040s and spare sensors and motors but the controller board seems like the thing that makes a build an XRP.


Hi Kevin… that’s a great idea and something we definitely want to support. I hope we’ll be able to offer the individual components soon!

Since most students are now in school, this is the time of the year that FRC teams are teaching coding. Would love to print the chassis and buy the parts if that makes things materialize faster. Please let us know when available.

Hi folks! I see now that the product pages show the whole kit as backordered. I’d still love to try to piece together my own kit and print the rest. Is there a plan to release a BOM?

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It seems that the only major missing parts are the board and line sensor custom board. But piecing it together on the website is a challenge, plus I’d guess quite a bit pricier than the kits.

One question is that should we expect discounted kits for foreseeable future or is that not a given? I’d like more kits eventually but feel like we have enough for the Fall.

Generally I’d like the option to buy additional motors for a alternative chassis. The kit uses red (plastic gears?) and I did see the blue metal gear variety at least w/ encoders. We may want to make something like the mecanum mini bots ctre used to have with a display and a follower (color sensor?).

Hello BAMiller my undergraduate students are printing the parts but we also don’t have access to the BOM for the purchase parts, can you please provide that as well. Thanks.

Thanks Kevin, This is exactly what my team is looking for as well. We are happy to 3D print our own robot but don’t know how to purchase the additional parts to complete the robot.

Hey folks, quick heads up that we should have a “DIY” kit available for sale some time in December, which basically includes everything except the 3D printed plastics. Keep an eye out for it!

The DIY kit that @SparkFro talked about as well as other ala carte items are now available on the SparkFun website. With the STLs on Printables and the DIY kit, you should have everything to replicate an XRP.

Apologies for the delay on getting these parts available, but here’s a link to our blog post about it, which includes links to the DIY kit and individual parts: Introducing the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) DIY Kit - News - SparkFun Electronics

Happy roboting!