XRP Template For WPILib

Hey everyone, wanted to post something I made for my FRC team 5338 ACL Roboloco for our workshops.

We have very little time available to teach prospective members about WPILib based programming, and we wanted to use XRPs as a way to both allow people to individually explore and track individual progress, so I created a template repository that is meant to serve as a guide for learning about WPILib. It contains 10 tasks that are to be completed in order, each of which helps increase the understanding of the students completing them.

I also created a branch of the repository to add pathplanner implementation, though the config may need to be altered. Credit to team 1403 for some of the pathplanner code.

The repository is at GitHub - RoboLoCo-5338/XRP-Template: Template for WPILib XRP Code for the Software Subteam, so check it out if you’re interested!