I went through the XRPlib repo readme, and I was not entirely clear on build.gradle changes. It seemed like if you have the 2024 alpha, which I do, you wouldn’t need to modify it. However, running that sim I am not connecting to the robot. I’ll take any help to get it to connect.
Here is the console output that just keeps going on.
PS C:\Users\Panther Robotics\Documents\GitHub\XRProbot> ${env:HALSIM_EXTENSIONS}='C:\Users\Panther Robotics\Documents\GitHub\XRProbot\build\jni\release\halsim_gui.dll;C:\Users\Panther Robotics\Documents\GitHub\XRProbot\build\jni\release\halsim_ws_client.dll;C:\Users\Panther Robotics\Documents\GitHub\XRProbot\build\jni\release\halsim_ws_server.dll;'; ${env:PATH}='C:\Users\Panther Robotics\Documents\GitHub\XRProbot\build\jni\release;C:\Windows\system32\'; ${env:HALSIMWS_HOST}=''; ${env:HALSIMWS_FILTERS}='AIO,DIO,DriverStation,Encoder,Gyro,XRPMotor,XRPServo'; & 'C:\Users\Public\wpilib\2024\jdk\bin\java.exe' '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=n,suspend=y,address=localhost:54249' '@C:\Users\PANTHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cp_60wki2skbcq1kby55ufl1svvt.argfile' 'frc.robot.Main'
HAL Extensions: Attempting to load: halsim_gui
Simulator GUI Initializing.
Simulator GUI Initialized!
HAL Extensions: Successfully loaded extension
HAL Extensions: Attempting to load: halsim_ws_client
HALSim WS Client Extension Initializing
HALSimWS Initialized
WS Message Filters:* "Encoder"
* "Gyro"
* "AIO"
* "XRPServo"
* "XRPMotor"
* "DIO"
* "DriverStation"
Will attempt to connect to ws://
HALSim WS Client Extension Initialized
HAL Extensions: Successfully loaded extension
Connection Attempt 1
HAL Extensions: Attempting to load: halsim_ws_server
Websocket WS Server Initializing.
Listening at http://localhost:3300
WebSocket URI: /wpilibws
WS Message Filters:* "Encoder"
* "Gyro"
* "AIO"
* "XRPServo"
* "XRPMotor"
* "DIO"
* "DriverStation"
Websocket WS Server Initialized!
HAL Extensions: Successfully loaded extension
********** Robot program starting **********
NT: Listening on NT3 port 1735, NT4 port 5810
NT: Got a NT4 connection from port 54262
NT: CONNECTED NT4 client 'shuffleboard@1' (from
Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation.reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(DriverStation.java:1343): Joystick Button 1 on port 0 not available, check if controller is plugged in
********** Robot program startup complete **********
Connection Attempt 2
Connection Attempt 3