Using java and WPILIB to program the XRP, the encoders always report a velocity of 0.0 when using the encoder.getRate() method. Position is reporting correctly, so the encoders are working. Am I configuring something wrong or is the velocity reporting of the encoders not working properly?
@ZeeQueue can you give further information on this problem?
Created the Example XRP Java bot in VSCode and was working on adding in SysId logging routines to try to characterize the XRP. After analyzing the collected data, voltages and position data were good and velocity data was always 0.0. I then added added System.out.println(m_leftEncoder.getRate()); to the drivetrain’s periodic and it always printed 0.0. Also, looking at the encoder data in the simulation dashboard, rate is always 0.0.
Here’s a link to the Git repository with the code:
Ah yeah, we never reported the measured velocity from the XRP to WPILib, just the distance (allwpilib/simulation/halsim_xrp at main · wpilibsuite/allwpilib · GitHub)
Submit an issue on that repo and I can take a look at it once I get a bit of free time.
Issue #6576 submitted. Thank you!