Before I start working on it myself is there any available file of the core of the XRP Chassis. Meaning only the stack where the chip and the batteries are located? I am trying to do an assignment where my students design their own chassis and being in 8th grade they struggle a bit with the tolerances on measurements.
The reason i ask is I’ve been doing some experimenting in tinkercad with modifying the frame.
I’m working on a video that shows the process to create a shortened frame, similar to what was shown earlier on the forum, however that video isn’t quite done yet.
Hey there TFossDK, I am having the boys work in OnShape. They did some rudimentary lessons at the beginning of the year and I have been having them practice. Because of that I will be working on that in that ecosystem.
I made an stl one early on int tinkercad thinking the same thing but it was the early v1 chassis design. I ended up not using it, but I could certainly send the file.
I eventually decided on the existing chassis rail mounting system offered enough opportunity for design and build for the kids.
Is this what you are thinking @pp-belen? I can’t attach .stl files to this page, however if you want i could email this file over if this is what you are looking for.
Also as another option, I can also export it as an .obj file as well.
I’ve been using Tinkercad more recently and I’m finding it is actually pretty good for modifying .stl files.
To accomplish this, I imported the frame and then drew two of the “Hole” boxes around the two sides i wanted to remove. I then joined those two boxes with the frame to remove the parts that i didn’t want.