Hi, I’ve been using the web-based XRP code editor, which works well enough if I write all of my code in a single file. For whatever reason, however, if I have other files to hold various routines, it seems to ignore changes to those files after some random time. Sending by bluetooth works fine (when it’s connected).
I’m used to using VSCode for EV3 programming, so I’m wondering if there’s a guide for XRP sending python code via bluetooth and running the bot – so far I’ve only been able to do this via USB in VSCode.
The ignoring changes on a second file is currently a bug in XRPcode. It was introduced during the bluetooth implementation. We are working on a fix. There are a number of VSCode plugins that allow you to communicate and write files to the PicoW on the XRP.
One thing to be aware of is that when XRPCode runs a program it writes out a main.py file to make sure that program will run again if the XRP is disconnected from the computer and running on its own. You will notice that XRPCode does not display main.py, since we are used highly in schools and this saves odd problems. When working directly with VSCode and the XRP you can either follow what we do, or write your own main.py file.
There was a problem with the reloading of imported modules. You can try xrpcode.wpi.edu/staging It should fix that problem. Let us know if you see any problems with that release.