Not connecting and over heating

I have two circuit boards that won’t connect to our Chromebooks. They only have one red light on them and the power port, USB cord and circuit board are super hot to the touch. Has anyone had this and been able to fix it or do I need to get new circuit boards?

The most likely problem is something wired wrong. The range and line sensor are the easiest to wire incorrectly. The other possibility is a servo plugged in backwards. I would disconnect those three and see if it still heats up. If not then check carefully that they are wired correctly.

I had a similar problem with one of my XRP Controller Boards. I reached out on the SparkFun Community Support forum (XRP Control Board Non-responsive - Education Products - SparkFun Community). In my specific case, SparkFun determined that I should return the board. I recommend reaching out through the same forum to determine the best path forward for your board.

Sounds like the same problem mentioned by @jrumple. Please submit an RMA and link to this thread, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this!