We are tasked with making a submersible vehicle using the XRP board and our thruster’s ESCs use a servo style PWM. They work great off of the designated servo pins but we need to add at least 1 more thruster (XRPservo device) to complete our project. How is this accomplished??? Thank you. emphasized text
There are a few options, depending on what your requirements an needs are.
- Use the GPIO for the encoders from the motor connectors to create the PWM signal. You can use this cable to break out the pins to headers, which you could plug into the 3-pin header of your ESC. If your ESC has separate power wires, you probably don’t need to connect power to the 3-pin header, just the GPIO and GND pins.
- If you’re not using the line sensor or ultrasonic sensor, you could use this cable to break out those GPIO pins to headers. Same comments about pin connections to the ESC’s 3-pin header.
- Use an external board with more servo headers, like our Pi Servo Hat for example (can connect to it via a Qwiic cable). You’ll need to provide power to the external board.
Hope this helps!