Unable to connect to XRP

I’ve tried following the steps in a previous, similar topic, but I seem to have a different problem.

When I plug the XRP into my computer, it shows up in Windows Explorer as PICODISK (F:). I’m not able to connect to it through the pcode.wpi.edu site and Thonny is showing the board as follows:

I tried following the instructions here: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/get-started-pico-w/1

File manager opens as it should, but when I try copying the file over, it hangs up, then the drive disconnects, then doesn’t reconnect until I unplug and plug back in.

I’ve been able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. I was holding the “user” button and not the “bootsel” button when plugging the XRP in.

Now that I have properly followed the directions, it’s working as expected. Apparently, all I had to do was broadcast my mistakes to the world and let everyone know that I was making them. :blush: