

I am currently the PDP for the FIRST Tech Challenge in Illinois. I have been involved in FIRST Tech Challenge for 15 years. I have served as a mentor for many FTC teams over the years and have been the director of the FIRST Tech Challenge in Illinois for the last 13 years. My teams have won the 8 Illinois State FTC championships. In 2018, my team Vertigo won the Illinois Inspire award and the Motivate award at the World Championships. I have raised more than $1,000,000 to support FTC teams in Illinois. When the country shut down for the country shut down for the pandemic, a team of First Tech Challenge students and alumni directed by me built an online replica of the FTC experience. The Virtual Robot Simulator (VRS) family includes https://centerstage.vrobotsim.online/homepage.html ; https://bit.ly/Power-Play-VRS or https://bit.ly/VRS-UG and the https://robotimporter.vrobotsim.online/homepage.html has the ability to allow FTC teams to test their robot design, develop/learn to create autonomous program.

We expect that a VRS version of Mountain Mayhem will be available by the end of July,